Sand Dollar Club Launch Sand Dollar Clubs offer engaging, art-based activities led by experienced professionals at schools and other neighborhood sites. Weekly sessions help integrate time for reflection and growth as well as peer support directly into the ups & downs of daily life.
Purchase Clonazepam Online This unique & interactive gardening event is offered each spring in a scenic outdoor setting. As we decorate a pot, scoop the soil, and plant a bulb, together we reflect on how we honor the memories of our loved ones by nurturing new beginnings. The event features music & activities for the whole family. No […]
April 12 Time: 6:00 - 7:15 PM Registration Required Location: Bridges of Hope 1691 Turnbull Ave. North Charleston Join us for a FREE family workshop, pizza (served at 6pm), and activities for the whole family to enjoy. This month we will be making a butterfly bush & bird feeders together.