Meet Hector, one of our dedicated volunteers whose passion for helping youth and underserved communities shines brightly in everything he does. Hector’s journey with Bridges of Hope began when he met our program director, Lauren, while she was facilitating a Sand Dollar Club at Military Magnet. With a deep love for the outdoors, hiking, playing music, and supporting youth, Hector knew he had found a place where he could make a real difference.
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At the time, Hector was working in translation services for CCSD and pursuing a degree in Psychology. Inspired by his experience with the Sand Dollar Club, he later reached out to Bridges of Hope to complete his 100-hour internship. During his internship, Hector co-facilitated the next semester’s group at Military Magnet and became a buddy at Shannon’s Hope Camp.
Zolpidem Online India Hector’s bilingual skills proved invaluable; he assisted in contacting Spanish-speaking referrals, translating permission slips, and creating camp marketing materials to better reach the Latinx community in Charleston. Recognizing the need for Spanish-language materials, Hector even translated the Sand Dollar Curriculum for a group at Morningside Middle School, where two students were primarily Spanish-speaking.
Ambien Online Overnight DeliveryAmbien Cr Purchase Online Hector’s dedication is clear in his own words: “I will always be back to camp!” True to his promise, Hector completed his internship and is now back for his third Shannon’s Hope Camp. His unwavering commitment to helping children, teens, and families, particularly those in underserved populations, has made a significant impact on our community.
Ambien Online Buy We are incredibly grateful for volunteers like Hector, whose passion and hard work help us continue to build bridges of hope for everyone we serve.