If you feel as if your life could use a jumpstart or just want to be inspired, I would encourage you to head over to YouTube and click play all on the “My Last Days” playlist. “My Last Days” is a docu-series created by SoulPancake (the people behind Kid President among other inspiring things). Zolpidem Canada In each video, you meet someone who is terminally ill who also has accepted their mortality and aren’t letting it deter them from living their lives to the fullest. As a viewer, I cheered on each of these individuals who so vulnerably share their lives with the internet audience. Claire Wineland passed away this last weekend after her lung transplant led to a massive stroke. Her episode of “My Last Days” shows a vibrant young lady who loves living life and isn’t afraid to talk about her illness (Cystic Fibrosis) and her thoughts surrounding it all.
Clonazepam Overdose Our thoughts go out to Claire’s loved ones as they struggle with grief no matter how much it has been anticipated. “Life isn’t just about being happy. … It’s not about how you feel second to second… It’s about what you’re making of your life and whether you can find a deep pride in who you are and what you’ve given.” [Claire Wineland’s TEDx Talk]