Buy Discount Ambien We live in a death- and grief-avoidant society, which can present many challenges after the loss of a loved one. This community engagement event aims to start a public conversation about healthy grieving and increase grief literacy. Moving away from the idea that grief is a problem that needs to be “fixed,” the documentary validates grief as a normal, healthy part of the human experience. Bridges will host a public screening of Speaking Grief, a Public Media Documentary, to increase grief awareness in our community and connect people to service agencies. This event will take place on Friday, May 14th, 2021 at 1pm in the afternoon. This specifically will appeal to members of the community who’ve encountered loss or individuals who support those impacted by loss. In addition to these individuals, families served by our grief support programs, volunteers, and board members will be in attendance. Grief also addresses the role support from friends and family plays in a person’s grief experience, introducing ideas for how we can get better at showing up for people in their darkest moments. This event will include a unique opportunity for agencies, who are specialized and experienced in working with grief, to connect with the public to provide resources and support.
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